[engagement session] Candice & Will

A beach trip that could have been an all night shoot went amazing. Candice & Will have a chemistry with one another that most couples strive for. With just one goofy remark from Will, Candice cracked up and looked at him like, “yepp- he’s mine!” They were so warm and precious together and then the off the wall poses, by Will, made the photo session hilarious. We were laughing half the time and trying to stay focused long enough to get some good shots. It wasn’t hard to make these two interact, it was like the camera wasn’t even there. They are going to have an amazing marriage because they have a friendship & inside jokes that will keep them laughing for many years to come! Here are some of my favorites from the day.

i love this one…

and this one…

Mr. GQ himself…

this is just captivating… ❤

[wedding] Getting Ready to become a MRS.

Every bride has a process before their big day. Whether it is dieting, tanning, massages, meditation, or making different juices in their juicer! One of my best friends since high school, Samantha Fallman [now Fowler], was the juicer.  Every time I talked to her on the phone she was trying a new type of juice for a different skin or body enhancement.  I went to visit a few times before her February wedding and when she offered me a fresh grapefruit drink at 1 in the morning… I said “why not?” So, we drove to Sweetbay in the middle of the night to get grapefruit to make fresh grapefruit juice [sooo delicious, i crave it now].  The next morning, it was a green looking juice that I didn’t venture to try… and then the day of her wedding was carrot juice. She is so healthy it makes me look like Ronald McDonald himself. The juices obviously worked, though they had little to enhance because she is DROP DEAD GORGEOUS. She was radiant on her wedding day, simply stunning, and just as perfect as ever.

here she is as we get ready at La Di Da salon in Gainesville, Fl. snaps to her hairdresser, who did a fabulous job on Sam’s hair! my favorite photo from the salon. sam looks so excited! there she is! GORGEOUS BRIDE!! 

[wedding] it’s all about the make-up & hair

a couple years ago, i had the opportunity to take photos of one of my best friend’s sister while she was getting ready for her wedding. i had no idea who her husband was at the time but just two weekends ago at my best friend’s wedding I got to meet him too! they are such an adorable couple.  this is another addition to the flashback mode I am in… maybe one day soon- I will get caught up to the present. as for now… the past is a blast!